I saw the most angry and compassionate pornographic displays as it was called iconic mostly by a french republican over here on the left saying the Owl Eagle Hawk has attacked papermills in key locations by replacing people simply because it thinks it is from the future and can take over important positions on POI, a different show. POI is probably code for the largest Paper Of Idaho and so nobody is really safe cuz they could take toilet papers next. So, anywhos, I see in the picture a massive shortage of books in the middle of three cases making that the 1, 2 so second from either direction if you start at the one extreme and then use a mirror to find the other side…I got lost because the guy in the window I was carrying started cuddle-a type of hypothermia death process in the computer-but eventually we were yelling at each-other. I came back with string next so I could use a brick and then it somehow must have got me there in only 9 days.
A book, if they have those, is all about it and my name is like Pollick but means callinsicalway – Hironomus Bosch-airfilters but they call him truman and I had to peition my deep head for it but finally called Treman but announced like it is said…an Hair-e