The definition of judgement is to effect an opinion that has a correctable course. To say a person is seeking or has sought a demise as a foregone conclusion is not incumbent upon anybody to deliver them that end. Assumption that they are going to be granted their wish if it is in fact demise is not really reliable thinking. Most people are not used to hearing or seeing God deliver death or consequence so it is odd to bank on it or expect it.

If you believe VA is a different definition of Admission to the Union then maybe so considering it was 6/25 on a date whenever. I guess they were trying to say something strange. What could they have been saying about the on-board process? They wanted to recognized? Then hey setup a “West” Virginia. Like they wanted a lead to be assigned them.
On a separate note, I here the voices over the wire in Suzy-esk voice sounding like she is doing something legal or something. You know how that can be. Blood curdling. She wants the hate of her to be breed. I can’t understand it.